A9watch, etc.

News, reviews, and commentary about A9.com, other new search technologies, and related topics. Send news, inquiries, and rants to randalldotnewton atgmaildotcom. Subscribe at http://feeds.feedburner.com/A9watchEtc.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

A9watch has RSS feed

If you prefer an RSS newsreader to a browser, you can now add A9watch to your Inbox items. The code your newsreader needs is at http://a9watch.blogspot.com/atom.xml. Please note, some newsreaders (or in some cases, older versions only) do not handle Atom code well. Sorry, but it’s all our blog engine (Blogger.com) provides at this time. If this blog takes off like we hope it will, we will move to a more advanced blog engine, hosted on our own site. Recommendations welcome, a9watch@aecnews.com


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