A9watch, etc.

News, reviews, and commentary about A9.com, other new search technologies, and related topics. Send news, inquiries, and rants to randalldotnewton atgmaildotcom. Subscribe at http://feeds.feedburner.com/A9watchEtc.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Going Dormant

I've decided to let A9watch, etc. go dormant. I will occasionally publish search-related items to my personal blog, LoomisBoy. And, I cover search as relevant to AEC (architecture/engineering/construction) as part of my day job at AECnews.com. Both have XML feeds.

I'll leave this blog up for an indefinite period, as part of the historical record. Plus, I might get the occasional ad hit (worth a few cents). I think the story of my being the very first person to list a Gmail invitation for sale on eBay is worth saving. There was quite a frenzy for a time, as people rushed to get Gmail addresses. Now I have 50 invitations to share (write me at randall dot newton atsign gmail dot com if you want an invite).

Thanks for reading.



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